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Marine Minerals Work Wonders: A Miraculous Transformation from Terminal Illness to Health and Energy

To protect patient and hospital privacy, the images in this article have been digitally altered.

Part One: Disease Description

Name: Ms. Chen Age: 83 Ms. Chen presented with recurrent upper and middle abdominal pain and loss of appetite in early May 2020. She was admitted to the hospital on May 30th due to worsening pain.

After various exams, including CT scans and blood tests, Ms. Chen was diagnosed with liver abscess, multiple cysts in the liver, hypodense shadow in the left lobe of the liver with intra-focal pneumatization, inflammation in both lungs, bilateral pleural thickening, coronary calcification, aortic atherosclerosis, electrolyte disturbance, multiple cysts in both kidneys, multiple calcifications in both kidneys, small amount of pelvic fluid, multiple calcifications in the uterus, gallbladder polyps, hypertensive disease, type 2 diabetes, mild anemia, and fatty liver.

Given the extent of the abscess and the ongoing pain, the diagnostic hospital recommended that Ms. Chen undergo percutaneous hepatic puncture and drainage at a higher level hospital. After the procedure on June 2nd, a drainage bag was placed and the doctor informed the family that further medical treatment was not necessary and recommended that Ms. Chen return home to rest. Basically, nothing they can do to help.

Discharge Record – Page 1
Discharge Record – Page 2
Pus drained from a liver puncture

Part Two: Da An Marine Minerals Use Record

On June 2nd, Ms. Chen was discharged from the hospital after the drainage procedure, but her pain persisted and her condition worsened. On June 3rd, she began using Da An Marine Minerals. The types and methods of use were as follows:

  1. “Natural Marine Minerals Body Spray” was sprayed externally on the painful area, providing relief after use. This was used frequently due to the severe pain in multiple areas.
  2. “Comprehensive Trace And Macro Minerals Drops”: 3-5 ml each time, about every two hours, 10 times a day.
The patient’s family and Da An Company staff discussed usage and precautions

The pain of liver abscess is extremely intense and hard to imagine for someone in good health. After Ms. Chen was discharged from the hospital on June 2nd, the pain became a huge challenge for her and her family, making her consider giving up her life. On June 5th, her family asked the doctor if they could perform surgery to relieve the pain, but the answer was the same as before. This was a major disappointment for the family, causing them to hesitate about continuing with the marine minerals.

Da An Company strongly recommended that Ms. Chen continue to use the minerals, both orally and by spraying the painful areas, in conjunction with hospital-supported therapy.

On June 9th, after only six days of using Da An Marine Minerals, Ms. Chen’s pain decreased and her condition improved. The family reported, “She came through, and it would have been impossible without the marine minerals.”

We know that medication is metabolized by the liver and kidneys, among other organs, but Ms. Chen was too old and her organs were too damaged for conventional treatment to be effective. The hospital recommended that she return home for hospice care.

However, Ms. Chen achieved miraculous results through the use of marine minerals. Her damaged organs were rapidly repaired, her immunity improved, and her internal organs became balanced. This was truly a miracle!

As seen in the photo, Ms. Chen’s face is now rosy and full of energy. Just a month ago, she was on the brink of death, but now she is not only healthy but also able to play mahjong with her friends. It’s truly incredible!

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