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Chromium as an essential nutrient: a review

Abstract Chromium (Cr) has been studied since the end of the 19th century, when carcinogeniceffects of hexavalent Cr were discovered. Essentiality of trivalent Cr was demonstrated in1959; Cr3+ has been studied in humans and laboratory animals since the 1970s and it isonly since the 1990s that Cr has been studied as an essential element in […]

Chromium as an essential nutrient: a review Read More »

The role of Chromium III in the organism and its possible use in diabetes and obesity treatment

Abstract Introduction: Diabetes and obesity are diseases characterized by their increasing incidence every year. When comparing with healthy subjects, the serum levels of chromium (Cr) are lowered in these two diseases. Several studies conducted in laboratory animals with experimentally- induced diabetes demonstrated that supplementation with chromium ions (III) decreased glucose concentration in the blood, reduced the

The role of Chromium III in the organism and its possible use in diabetes and obesity treatment Read More »

Regulation of adiposity and obesity risk by dietary calcium: mechanisms and implications

Abstract Dietary calcium plays a pivotal role in the regulation of energy metabolism; high calcium diets attenuate adipocyte lipid accretion and weight gain during periods of overconsumption of an energy-dense diet and increase lipolysis and preserve thermogenesis during caloric restriction, thereby markedly accelerating weight loss. Intracellular Ca2+ has a key role in regulating adipocyte lipid

Regulation of adiposity and obesity risk by dietary calcium: mechanisms and implications Read More »

Inhibitory effect of deep-sea water on differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes

Abstract Currently, the utilization of deep-sea water (DSW) is receiving much attention due to its high productivity, large quantity, and potential for biological application. The 3T3-L1 cell line is a well-established and commonly used in vitro model to assess adipocyte differentiation. Over the course of several days, confluent 3T3-L1 cells can be converted to adipocytes

Inhibitory effect of deep-sea water on differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes Read More »

Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity

Abstract Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity focuses on the importantroles that exercise, dietary changes, and foods play in promoting as well as reducingvisceral fat. Nutritionists, dieticians, and healthcare providers seeking to address theabdominal obesity epidemic will use this comprehensive resource as a tool in their long-term goal of preventing chronic diseases,

Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Abdominal Obesity Read More »

The Magnificent Effect of Magnesium to Human Health: A Critical Review

Abstract Magnesium is one of the most neglected mineral in human body. Magnesium is responsible for the activation ofmore than 300 enzymes in the body. It assists to maintain muscle and nerve function in human body. People withmagnesium deficiency are always tired, irritable, nervous, stiffness in the muscles and difficult to concentrate.Magnesium deficiency is actually

The Magnificent Effect of Magnesium to Human Health: A Critical Review Read More »

Suppression of the release of type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor from human vascular endothelial cells by Hawaii deep sea water

Abstract The effect of deep sea water on the fibrinolytic properties of human vascular endothelial cells was investigated. There was no difference in the growth ratio between human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) cultured with growth medium (RPMI-1640 containing 20% fetal calf serum) prepared with Hawaii deep sea water (HDSW medium) and those with medium

Suppression of the release of type-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor from human vascular endothelial cells by Hawaii deep sea water Read More »

Deep Sea Water Modulates Blood Pressure and Exhibits Hypolipidemic Effects via the AMPK-ACC Pathway: An in Vivo Study

Abstract Deep sea water (DSW), originally pumped from the Pacific Rim off the coast of Hualien County (Taiwan), and its mineral constituents, were concentrated by a low-temperature vacuum evaporation system to produce a hardness of approximately 400,000 mg/L of seawater mineral concentrate. The primary composition of this seawater mineral concentrate was ionic magnesium (Mg2+), which

Deep Sea Water Modulates Blood Pressure and Exhibits Hypolipidemic Effects via the AMPK-ACC Pathway: An in Vivo Study Read More »

Cardiovascular protection of deep-seawater drinking water in high-fat/cholesterol fed hamsters

Abstract Cardiovascular protection of deep-seawater (DSW) drinking water was assessed using high-fat/cholesterol-fed hamsters in this study. All hamsters were fed a high-fat/cholesterol diet (12% fat/0.2% cholesterol), and drinking solutions were normal distiled water (NDW, hardness: 2.48ppm), DSW300 (hardness: 324.5ppm), DSW900 (hardness: 858.5ppm), and DSW1500 (hardness: 1569.0ppm), respectively. After a 6-week feeding period, body weight, heart

Cardiovascular protection of deep-seawater drinking water in high-fat/cholesterol fed hamsters Read More »