Doctors were amazed – just one month of taking Da An Marine Minerals quickly lowered health indicators that were severely over the limit.
Warnings from lab reports – blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol, and transaminases were severely elevated.
After being reluctantly taken to the hospital for a medical checkup by a friend following Chinese New Year on February 23, 2021, I was confident in my own health due to my 5 years of long-distance running experience and participation in several marathons and cross-country races. However, the physical examination results were a shock. My blood sugar, triglycerides, cholesterol, and transaminases were all elevated, with blood sugar and triglycerides several times higher than normal. The doctor told me, “Your indicators are too high, look at the glycated albumin index, your blood has been soaking in sugar for several months. You need to stay in the hospital for treatment and conditioning.” I was overwhelmed by the sudden result and, after repeated requests, was prescribed glucose-lowering and lipid-lowering drugs to take at home and be rechecked in a month.
I felt heavy and blamed myself for relaxing my exercise requirements and socializing during the 2020 epidemic, which disrupted my routine and led to these results. I feared that I would never be able to leave the medicine.
I learned about Da An Pure Ionic Marine Minerals from a wechat post by my friend Juan Li. Despite knowing nothing about the experimental data, I saw that marine minerals could reduce high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and high blood sugar and felt hopeful. I reached out to my friend and learned that the production of marine minerals was small and only used for pharmaceuticals, but with the help of the group’s boss and after a year of difficulty, the doctors were able to extract a sufficient amount of marine minerals using high-tech and pure natural methods that were all green and non-toxic. The product promised to benefit the earth and soil, all plants and animals, and human life and health.
After 21 days of taking Da An Marine Minerals, all indicators returned to normal and my sleep improved and energy increased. On March 3, I received the 30ml box of 12 bottles of “One Drop Essence” and took five drops in a 500ml bottle of pure water every two hours. I believe in the efforts of the Da An Group scientists and the benefits of Da An Marine Minerals to our health.
The biggest improvement I noticed while taking marine minerals was better sleep. I used to be a light sleeper and wake up once a night, but after taking Da An Marine Minerals, I slept better and felt my energy returning. I even reduced my prescribed medication by half and took 5 drops of marine ionic minerals daily. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the 12 bottles would last me nearly two years with my five drops a day regimen.
On March 24, I went for a follow-up examination with apprehension but was thrilled to see that my indicators had returned to normal standards and my blood sugar had come down quickly. Even the doctor was surprised. Drinking Da An Marine Minerals is now a daily routine for me and I am grateful for the benefits it has brought to my body, which I will share with my family and those around me.
I would like to thank my friend Li, the scientists, and the management team of Da An Marine Minerals for this wonderful product. I have included my checklist and wish you all good health, happiness in your family, and success in your career.