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Client’s Wart Healed in Just Three Weeks with DA AN Marine Minerals

In this case, the images may cause discomfort.

Due to an HPV infection on his foot and a weakened immune system, the client developed a painful, hard, black lump on his toe. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, he was unable to visit the hospital and relied on online medical information, which did not provide a viable treatment plan. The doctor referred to the wart as a “thousand-day wart,” meaning it typically takes a long time to heal.

On June 1, 2020, the client started using Da An Marine Minerals after a recommendation from a friend. He applied a drop of the marine minerals on the wart every other day and took two drops daily. To his delight, the wart can be peeled off painlessly in just three weeks, and he was highly impressed with the astonishing results of the marine minerals.